Ship Splendid Nathan M Jernegan Master Cruising
Saturday January 16
First Part strong breezes from WSW with rain at 5 P M Wind shifted to the SSW ware Ship heading to the Westward 3 Ships in sight and Secoro bareing NE by N Middle part Strong breeze and Squalley at 4-30. PM Ware Ship heading heading to the SE at 7 PM ware Ship heading to the Westward. Took in sail last reefed.
Sunday January 17
Strong breezes from the SW at daylight Ware Ship heading to the SE under double reef topsails and fore Sail at 7 AM keep off East at 9-30. Saw Secoro bareing E by S holled up SE saw three ships heading to the NW at 12 PM Saw a Bark under all Sail by the wind heading to the South with Signals flying at the fore and main at 1 PM spoke him it was the Bark Roman of New Bedford Capt Jernegan 80 days from New Bedford with 60 bbls SP and Bound North Latter part Strong breezes thick and rainy
Monday January 18
Throughout these 24 hours Strong breezes with thick weather in company with Bark Roman Received from Bk Roman 50 bbls Salt provisions and 80 Oars let the Roman have 27 bbls Sweet Potatoes got all on board at 1 PM then the Roman set all Sail and Steered off NW bound to Juan Fernandez Latter part under double reef topsails heading WSW
Tuesday January 19
Commenced with Strong breezes from the SW with thick and foggy weather at 5 AM ware Ship heading in SSE set fore sail and Spankes Middle part Cleared up Saw too ships Bark Sappho and Bark Morning Star at 1 PM saw Secoro 3 points off the lee bow at 6 PM ware round heading off Shore West Secoro in sight bareing East Dist 10 miles
Wednesday January 20
Commenced with thick and foggy weather at 4 AM Ware round heading in SE b. S sent hull top sails and courses the fog would occasionally light up for a little while at 11 AM passed Bark Morning Star Bark Chs W Morgan Bk Sappho all by the wind heading to the NW saw Secoro bearing east at 3 PM ware round heading NW by W
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